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Best video game movies

Nowadays, video games are a huge source for movie plots (at least, huge compared to what they used to be!). Now, there are several notable movies who’s plots have been derived from videogames. Here are some of the most popular films to be first inspired by video games.
This movie has come out only recently, but there was actually a trio of game to help inspire it. Did the movie live up to what the games were? Well, not completely. But since the games were so totally awesome, the movie was not really bad either. Could it have been better? Maybe. Is it better than most video game movies? Definitely. Is it worth watching? Yes.

Hitman Movie
Hitman Movie

Resident Evil.
There have been several Resident Evil games, and these have all first come from the video games. Were these games awesome? Um, yes! Were the movies good? Well, they movies were ok. They actually were not as bad as you might think – if you have seen them, then you probably know what I am talking about. To someone who has not played the games, these movies are awesome, but to the gamers out there, it is sort of painful to see how the plot lines have so gone in different directions. Still, not a bad movie at all.
Resident Evil Movie
Resident Evil Movie

Is this really one of the best video game movies? Well, there are a couple of reasons as to why this movie is on the list. For one, it has The Rock in it. Two, it contains an ode to gamers in the form of a first person segment. Three, it has a lot of action and a lot of scary creatures. On the downside, however, the plot line deviates a lot from the game, making it very painful for gamers to watch. Had it only followed the plot line of Doom 3, the movie would have been a lot more better – at least, that is what gamers say.
Doom Movie
Doom Movie

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